Briarwood magazine Peachfuzz Pussies 19 (1984)

Briarwood - Peachfuzz Pussies NUMBER 19. MUSICAL PLEASURES, When she discovered her brother's drum sticks, she found a new instrument they could play on, (nice). SWEET CUNT She was blonde fire with a pussy that was sweet and ripe for the right mouth that wanted more, pretty wet cunt. Genre: Classic magazine, Adult, Teens, Briarwood, Solo, Nudity, Hairy, Masturbation

Briarwood - Peachfuzz Pussies 19 (1984)

Date : 1980s
Producer : Briarwood

Briarwood magazine Peachfuzz Pussies 19 (1984)


All models, actresses or actors featured in this magazine are certified by the publishers to be of legal age (over age 18) as required by federal law.